
Animal ManagementSimplify your feeding process. CattleXpert helps by breaking feeding down into individual steps and building in truck driver accountability for the process. It records what is fed as it is fed. You’ll know to the pound what has been fed to which cattle and when.

CattleXpert Yard Edition Features

CattleXpert Yard is fully integrated with our CattleXpert Office edition for continuity in your operations and a seemless experience for your staff. Here are some of our software's features:

  • Complete Real Time Integrated Feeding System
  • Formula-based ADG
  • Company and custom pricing on commodities
  • Markup based on commodity or ration
  • Saved ration formulation for easy yard transition
  • Full coverage or partial coverage Radio Frequency
  • Manual feed sheets, scale data transfer, offline and full coverage options
  • Load box interface

If you currently have a feeding solution in place that you would like to continue to use and would like to utilize CattleXpert give us a call. We may already be integrated and if not, we may be able to build an integration tool.